Hey friends! Is it just me or is anyone else feeling extremely sleepy today? I had a ton of stuff to get done today and miraculously I was able to get some of those knocked off the list. I’m not a coffee drinker but had a few mugs of tea already. I know. I’m crazy like that.
Growing up, my mom always made me dress like my sister. Like all the time. She made us wear the most hideous, itchy dresses and it was truly the bane of my existence. The worst part is that my sister and I are over 4 years apart so I was doing this when I was like 10 and she was 6. SO NOT COOL, MOM!! It makes me laugh now but truly, it was the worst. If you’re lucky, I’ll dig up some old pics one day but probably not. Well, what does this story have to do with my eggs today? Absolutely nothing. I just felt like sharing that with you.
For the longest time, I baked eggs in the oven in muffin tins. This method was ok but I still had trouble peeling off the shell. Isn’t that so annoying when you make hard boiled eggs and basically all the white part comes off because it’s stuck to the shell? I’ve found this has been the easiest method.
Now that I think about it, my mom makes the best hard boiled eggs. Randomly, she’ll come over and drop off food and sometimes it will include a large ziplock bag of hard boiled eggs. Now, if you’re not Korean, this is totally strange. But if you’re Korean, you totally know hard boiled eggs, corn on the cob, and baked sweet potatoes constitute a good snack. 😀 #koreansnacks
Okay, back to my method. Place one layer of eggs on the bottom of your pot and add enough cold water so that it fills an inch above the eggs. Heat on high just until it boils. Turn off the heat and place the lid on top for about 9 minutes for medium eggs, 11 minutes for large and 15 for extra large eggs.
Drain immediately and run under icy cold water. I like to go ahead and peel them all and place them in the refrigerator. Since we like to eat them for breakfast and snacks, (remember the Korean thing?) we just take the eggs out from a tupperware and enjoy them easily. You could also leave them unpeeled and refrigerate them. My kids loooove to eat them.
I love making my egg avocado salad. It’s healthy and you won’t miss the mayo. One of my friends told me this is one of the few things her picky child will actually eat. That made me so happy!
Hope you have a great day and if you’re a mom, I speak for all children when I say, don’t make your kids wear matchy frilly, itchy dresses! Your kids thank you!
the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:11
This post is also linked up with Poofing the Pillows, Decor to Adore, At Home with Jemma, White Spray Paint Blog, Pieced Pastimes, and the Inspiration Gallery.

This is pretty much how I’ve learned to do eggs through trial and error. When you cook them this way they don’t come out overcooked…hard and bouncy. You know. 🙂
Today I’m putting egg and avocado salad on the menu. Love it!
Happy Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Pinned.
Yes, me too! Thanks for your kind words and definitely try the egg avocado salad. It’s a winner!
I use your method for boiling eggs and it works out quite well. My big question is how can I consistently get the shells to come off the egg without blemishes? I have tried so many ideas and still have trouble getting the shell to peel off cleanly. Any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
Susan and Bentley
Hi Susan, I didn’t have too many problems with the blemishes although sometimes there were little divets. Just make sure to follow cooking instructions and use ice water to cool them off. Hope that helps!! Thank you!