Do It Yourself Interior Designer
Welcome ya’ll to, “Love Your Abode!” I’m Yuni, a Korean American girl raised in the dirty south. This little space is where I share all things crafty and delicious. I’m a mom to 3 precious children and wife to my sweet and hilarious hubby whom I met when I was 16 years old. We provide respite care for foster kids and you can find more information about that on this post. I am passionate about Jesus, my family and friends and making our house a home. Here’s a post on why I started blogging.
The kitchen is where you’ll usually find me as I love baking and cooking meals for family and friends. One of my kids is most likely in there right next to me “helping” and being my taste tester. You can read all about our kitchen transformation here. (That was before I had an actual camera so please excuse the poor photos!)
Soon after starting this blog, I discovered my hidden passion in interior decorating so you’ll find a lot of home decor related projects around here like my master bathroom renovation, laundry room, and guest room makeover. My mind is always thinking about creating and I’m so thankful to have this little outlet where I can share that with you all.
My house is not perfect by any means. There are always crumbs, legos, and laundry strewn about but you will also find people eating, laughing, and living life in our abode. I truly believe making your house a home begins in your heart. I hope this is a place that encourages you to love your abode no matter where you live.

I had no idea that this little website would help pave the way to becoming a small business and bring so many wonderful opportunities with the most amazing brands and individuals. I am truly grateful for all the experiences.
If you have any questions or need to contact me, you can email me at Come follow me on IG or FB! You can check out my Design Services page to see my portfolio. If you need help with your own home, I’d love to work with you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Let all that you do be done in love. I Corinthians 16:14