Happy Birthday, Yobs!
JJ, behold…. your future!! puhahahaha! #boyscoutsforever Here’s a little happy birthday, yob shoutout!
I guess I shouldn’t talk considering I had terribly awkward phases of my own life growing up. That actually reminds me of this outfit my mom bought me that was leopard print and across the shirt it said, “jungle fever.” #truestory #immigrantproblems Sorry, I digress. There will be no picture of that outfit because it ain’t my birthday! Instead, I shall inundate you with pictures of my yobs! Btw, when we first got married, we started calling each other yobs as a joke. We coined this shortened term from “yoh boh,” which translates to honey.
He looks just like Emmy here! #creepydrunksanta
Here’s a really cute picture of him! It’s JJ from the eighties! #samesmiles #checkthatblazer
Gosh, how do I even begin to tell you how much this guy means to me? I’ve known Jimmy since I was 16! #cradlerobber. Yes, we have prom pictures together but that’s another post for another time. Since I’ve basically been his girlfriend or wife for almost 20 years, I guess you could say I know him really well. If you do know Jimmy, you know him to be hilarious, kind, extroverted, considerate and just an all around easy going guy. He is exactly those qualities and so much more. He is passionate, prayerful, tenacious, intelligent, hard working, wise and such a selfless husband and father. Don’t let me forget, the biggest Michigan fan ever! Thanks Harbaugh for starting his birthday right this year!
I’m truly thankful for this guy and praise God for creating such an amazing, Godly man. I pray our kids will inherit many of his amazing qualities.
I will end this post with a couple of weird awesome family photos that reveal so much about our family. Look at EMMY!! l #thuglife
Happy Birthday, Yobs!! Love ya, mean it!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
PS: thanks yobs for encouraging me with this blog and being my techie support!

Yobs! Thanks so much for the thoughtful and encouraging post. I’m am the luckiest man on in the universe to have you as my wife! Truly, I’m blessed! I love the pictures. Especially the 2nd “eye brow” one. The kids expressions are PRICELESS! J is like… “here they go again.” JJ is like …”OHH NOO!!” E is like…”who you think you are, that’s MY MAN!”
Love you!! 🙂 haha MY MAN! lol
awwww, so sweet!!! i can’t ever remember a time when jimmy wasn’t in our lives. we love you jimmy! happy birthday!
aww true true. miss you nene!
I just love this family. Happy Birthday, Jimmy!!!! 🙂
😀 😀 😀
Hello hello, just leaving a late message here. You guys are the best family EVER! Oh my goodness, those old pics of Jimmy are the best. He was the cutest little boy ever, especially when I was forcing him to do “homework” in our pretend school as me as the teacher and putting curlers in his hair! He was always very obedient with his older sister – haha! Jimmy, I couldn’t be more proud of you. God has blessed you with an amazing gift of faith, a beautiful Godly wife and three healthy children for you to lead and follow your example to be a family of shining light. You are truly a gift to us all! We all love you very much! P.S. Yuni – first time checking out your blog – love it!!
awww thanks, uhn nee!! haha that’s hilarious!!! thanks for being the best SIL to me. we miss and love you guys! i’m glad you like the blog. I’m definitely having a lot of fun with it! 🙂 love ya sis!