See how this peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper changed up my piano wall.
Last week, I shared my complete office transformation. The desk area, bookshelf and sitting area all made me pretty happy with the space. The only area that I knew needed some tweaking was the piano wall. After trying to decide between painting the wall black wall and using wallpaper, I listened to my IG followers and gave that wall some love with some peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper.
If you’ve been here for some time, you know I’ve shared a bunch of peel and stick wallpaper projects in the past. I’m a huge fan of wallpaper in general but I’ve used the peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper in my foyer and weird nook. It’s safe to say that I’ll be using it forever. I’ve also used peel and stick wallpaper in my family room, dining room and to line the back of my bookshelves.
Here’s the BEFORE of the piano wall.
It wasn’t bad but it just wasn’t me. I knew it needed tweaking and there was just to much going on. Since my childhood piano is in great condition and a pretty sentimental piece, I wasn’t interested in painting over it. It has a gorgeous glossy finish and to paint over it would be a crime. The brown isn’t my favorite but it made me work a little more creatively around it.
The peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper adds just the right amount of texture, color and contrast to any room. It really adds warmth and looks great in almost any space. For this wall, it adds a nice layer of sophistication. The white wall before looked too blah especially with everything else going on in this space. Now, it has a nice amount of contrast without competing too much with the boldness of the drapes and bookshelf.
If you’re interested in using peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper for your space, I’ve rounded up some sources for you. The one I used is called Wall Pops and it is so easy to install. I used three rolls but only because I didn’t apply it behind the piano! Ha! That piano is never moving!
- Wayfair sells this option and it has a ton of great reviews.
- Bed Bath and Beyond has this natural color option and you can always use their coupon
- Home Depot also sells it in this gorgeous blue color
- Hayneedle sells the grasscloth in natural, gray and brown colors
I’m pretty smitten with this whole space! Now, I just need to build that printer box and it will be sitting in that little corner.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper is such a wonderful and simple way to add some character to a wall and it is truly beautiful.
Have a great weekend, friends!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
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Hey there. I saw your post about your grass paper on the weird nook area. I am still doing my resesrch on what type/brand to buy but I was wondering if I should paint primer behind the paper. I had not intended too but I came home to find my husband hd started primimg the wall I am putting wall paper on. So now half of it is primer and the other half is semigloss. I am leery of peel and stick and want to make sure it stays. I don’t want to be redoing it in 6 months. Any thoughts?
Hi! I wouldn’t worry about the primer. It shouldn’t matter. The only thing is you should wait until the primer is dried well before applying the wallpaper. I have used the peel and stick on semigloss painted walls and it’s been fine. Good luck!