Hi everyone! Here’s a little Transformation Tuesday post for ya. A couple of weeks ago, I painted our bedroom furniture. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and I finally tackled it!
Here’s the Before shot. Our furniture set is about 13 years old and was bought from Rooms to Go. I’m thankful that this set was made from solid wood. I know most furniture these days are made with veneer. I wasn’t fond of the orangish color so paint was a great way to fix that issue.
I tried to get the best shot of this piece so just avoid my funny selfie in the mirror.
Here is one of the nightstands. We used to have a queen sized bed but then replaced our headboard and bed when my parents bought us a king size one. #tallpeopleproblems
I made my own white chalkpaint (3 parts latex paint, 1 part plaster of paris, water to mix) and gave the furniture 2 coats. Chalk paint is great for furniture because there’s no sanding required. I applied a third coat with an antique white latex paint because I wanted a softer white. A wax or polyurethane coat is recommended to help seal and protect the paint. Sayanora orange toned wood!
Creamy white is my friend. It looks clean and fresh now. I changed out all the old knobs for new ones from Homegoods. I love these clear knobs. They sell them in packages of 4 at Homegoods and are way cheaper than the ones you can get at retail stores. These were $7.99/box.
Years ago, I spray painted our lamp bases gold.
So fresh and so clean!
Guess what I did with the dresser? I removed the existing matching mirror and replaced it with this giant, gold one. This ornate mirror used to be above the piano but it never looked right there because it was too fancy looking for the playroom. It’s perfect in here now! Jimmy’s parents gave this to us when they retired from their flower shop. We scored big time with beautiful antique furniture and decor like this mirror. Most of the decor on top of the dresser was from them!
I love the gold and white against the navy walls. The color is Sailors Coat from Olympic. If I had to repaint our room again, I would still go with this color. It’s such a beautiful, rich color.
Changing out the knobs make it look like new piece of furniture!
I’ll do another post soon showing you a little tour of our master bedroom. I’ll share some tips on the gallery walls I did in here which I’ll share next time. We love the new makeover! It’s like we got new furniture in here after 13 years! #newbutold
Don’t be afraid to go bold with color. I’m realizing more and more how much I love color. I love neutral colored furniture and pairing that with bold colored walls, rugs, and decor. You can also find more DIY chalk painted furniture under my DIY/projects tab on the blog.
Have a great Tuesday!
Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands. Psalm 112:1

Wow! What a coat of paint can do! I’m new to painting furniture… so can chalk paint doesn’t require you to sand a piece beforehand, or prime it before? How is the finish? Does it feel smooth if you were to slide a glass of water across it, or would it scratch? Sounds silly, but I used matte latex paint on some side tables and everything sticks to it. Like if you were to drop bits of eyeshadow on it, it wouldn’t wipe off very well. So is chalk paint a smoother finish?
PS that mirror and dresser are PERFECT. That ornate mirror looks so good with that white dresser!
Thank you so much, Joy! Chalk paint has a very chalky, matte finish so it’s definitely not smooth like latex paint. It doesn’t require sanding either although you could still chooe to sand the furniture if it has a very rough surface. After painting it, you can apply a wax which gives it a smoother finish. If you’re painting a table top, I recommend sealing it with a polyurethane instead of wax which gives it a much more glossy finish. Hope this helps!