The Eleventh Hour Baby Shower is basically the story of my life.
Do you want to hear a funny story? Well, it’s funny now but not then. Okay, here goes the story of how I came to host the eleventh hour baby shower.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named….. Juni. It was Friday night and one of her closest friends and neighbor, Sunny, was hosting a party for her husband at her home. Juni was having a blast eating all the food, talking it up with her girlfriends without a care in the world. Btw, Sunny, is also a decor extraordinaire and she threw the loveliest party for her husband with table settings, flowers and all of the delicious food you can imagine. While Juni was enjoying herself eating all the foods, she received a text from her SIL’s best friend, Stephanie. Stephanie apologized for not being able to come over that night to drop off things for the baby shower. Juni, suddenly confused, wonders why Stephanie is apologizing when she is supposed to come next Friday night. THEN, JUNI starts to feel her pulse speed up and sweat beads start to form. Juni texts Stephanie ands says, “WAIT, THE SHOWER IS NEXT SATURDAY NOT TOMORROW RIGHT?!!?? Juni receives no response. Juni then checks her google calendar and sees that the shower is indeed tomorrow at 11AM! It’s now 9PM and JUNI starts to hyperventilate because Juni is in charge of hosting the shower the next morning and preparing all the food as well as cleaning and decorating her house. Juni can’t believe she could’ve made such a colossal mistake. She texts Stephanie and apologizes for freaking her out and tells her it’s going to be ok! Don’t worry, she will take care of it! After the initial shock dissipates, Juni gives herself a pep talk. “Juni, you are born for this. It’s in your blood. Snap out of it woman and get your butt to the store! Gosh darn it, you’re going to help throw the loveliest party for that sweet niece and SIL if that’s the last thing you do!!”
Okay, seriously though. I’m not sure why I thought the party was one week later. We had a crazy week leading up to it because we had just finished our intensive Fostering training. Honestly, Idk. In my brain, I kept thinking I had all this time to prepare. Could you imagine if I had not received that text from Stephanie that night?!! I can’t even…
Once I realized the mistake I made, my sweet girlfriends at the party were asking what they could do. As any desperate person would do, I stole graciously borrowed the tablecloths and hydrangeas from Sunny’s party that night. The sweet girls at the party also made some fruit kabobs for me. I jetted to Publix before closing and bought everything I needed that night. I kept the brunch menu simple with recipes I was confident in preparing. My sweet husband helped chop all the veggies and did some last minute cleaning. We still went to bed by 1AM which was pretty good in my book considering I was totally unprepared a few hours earlier! So without further ado, let’s look at all the photos!
Thank goodness I made that faux garland earlier that week! I decorated the table with things I already had and Stephanie provided all of the delicious desserts except the marshmallow s’mores. Thank you, Steph for saving my life! That sweet girl baked homemade macarons and gave away little bags of desserts as party favors. Honestly, those are my favorite kind of favors.
I couldn’t help but to capture my lil Emmy playing and waiting for her ballet class.
My niece will be named Teya!
Stephanie bought a green tea cake from the Korean bakery and made that little DIY cake banner. So funny!
We brought in my office table and I created tablescapes for a casual sit down brunch. I did this for my sister’s baby shower a few years ago and it’s perfect for a party with less than 12 people. I love using real plates when the party is intimate.
Here are some my of handmade hairpins for baby Teya.
I created a little card area for all of the ladies to write notes to Teya to open up on her 18th birthday. I put them in a keepsake box and gave them to my SIL, Jaehee at the end of the shower.
Again, thank you Steph for saving my life!! How adorable are those party favor bags?
For the brunch menu, I prepared baked french toast, frittatas, Aidell’s sausage and cheesy stone ground grits. Thank you to my sweet girlfriends for making those fruit kabobs!
Stephanie created that calligraphy sign. She’s quite the crafty one!
Here are the letters for Teya. We have to wait 18 years! Jaehee was glowing and so happy!
Do I look tired, relieved, happy? Yes, I am all those things here.
Teya, you are so loved!! I can’t wait to meet you, sweet baby girl!! The story started off almost a catastrophe but it ended up being a sweet and memorable time. My poor mom was so bummed to miss the celebration and called me asking why she didn’t know about the party. I told her, it was because I didn’t know about the party either! Haha. We all had a good laugh. I’m still laughing today.
Btw, my dear sister and SIL were both due this past Sunday and are officially 3 days past due. Can you believe they share the same due date and they’re both having girls?!
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my crazy real life story. 😀
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Yuni, what a hilarious story…well, maybe you didn’t think it was so funny at the time. But when I read about that text from Stephanie, I swear I could feel my blood pressure rising too! Holy Cow…I would have FREAKED OUT! But you handled it like a pro. What I want to know…at what point did you tell your SIL and niece?
Yes, Lynn!! Sometimes, you just gotta laugh at the craziness of the situation!