This week’s Friday Favs is our Halloween 2017 recap!
Today, I’m linking up with Momfessionals today and sharing my Friday Favs. Can someone tell me how it’s already November 3rd? Like what happened to October? Halloween 2017 was a blast and we did it in true Min fashion which meant we dressed up with our kids. Our neighborhood friends are great at dressing up and the kids love that we all participate with them.
Before I share Halloween photos, I want to give an update on my dear friend, Sunny. She’s doing incredibly well after her surgery and the best news was that she didn’t have to go through chemo. She still has more surgery in the future but she is doing great! We celebrated her recovery recently at her home along with her son’s birthday. Her mom made all this food and that spread was only 1 of 3 food stations. This is one of the perks of being Korean, friends. We know how to eat! It has been a blessing and encouragement watching her faith grow tremendously during this season.
Just a witch and her sassy black cat. I sometimes think my husband should’ve been an actor. Look at him!
Poor Jules got stuck with the direct sunlight in her Robin Hood face! JJ cracked me up so much because he wore his sister’s old costume. He’s such a goofy kid especially with that stem on his head! Emmy was going to be a mermaid but then decided being a chicken was a better idea. I couldn’t agree more. It’s basically a costume and fur coat in one.
Halloween is so much more fun with friends.
Our friend, Mike puts on the most amazing costume every year and he MAKES it all himself. Can you even believe it? I told him to start a blog and update it every Halloween.
Shredder VS Paleo Black Cat #catfight
I found my girlfriends!
The chicken got tired and her legs were sore after walking around the neighborhood. As you can see, cat dad was still in character.
Fun times! We had a blast and I’m ready to get rid of all the Halloween candy. Shhh don’t tell my kids.
Last Sunday, Jimmy made a ton of pancakes and waffles so we could freeze them. We wanted to reheat them in the mornings for a quick and easy breakfast for the kids. I had planned on serving them the next morning before the kids had to leave for the school bus but the funniest thing happened. Monday morning arrived and we all woke up to the sound of the school bus driving by our house. I totally forgot to set my alarm! Oh well, the rest of the week went well and they had a good breakfast every morning. You do what you can, ya know what I’m saying?
Well, that’s a wrap. I have been incredibly busy the last two weeks with hosting my brother’s family and working on some clients’ homes. I feel so blessed that people entrust me with their homes and I get to help them love the homes they’re in. It’s such an incredible privilege and I’m still adjusting to my transition into working again after being a full time stay at home for 1o years. I still want to focus on my kids while they’re little and be present for them as much as possible but it’s been nice to be able to work on developing my design skills. If you’re also wondering about the status of our fostering, we have our first home study scheduled this week! I’ll share an update on that soon.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend, friends!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

You guys look like such a fun family! You’re making great memories for your kiddies!
Thank you so much, Carol! We like to have a good time. 😀
The cat…omg…I laughed all the way thru the pix!
Haha! I’m so glad, Toni!