As we close 2018, I just wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year.
2018 was truly a full year and I always get emotional looking at photos of how much the kids have grown the past year.
Like every year, I don’t think we’ll have time for family photos. Our amazing friends, Unchong and Craig always make it happen every year for us. Craig Obrist took these photos again and I’m truly thankful that even though it was a last minute shoot, this one is my favorite for a variety of reasons.
I didn’t have time to shop for clothes so we just put on stuff we already owned and ended up shooting against my favorite DIY wall in the house. Don’t look closely because I have some nail polish stains on my sweater and my toes have needed a pedicure for months. Some of our clothes need ironing too. If anything, this shows that sometimes just working with with you have is better than something new. It’s finding beauty in the imperfection because that’s real life.
The best part? We didn’t have to wear any shoes and thankfully, you can’t really see my jank toenails.
I sure do love these kids. We’re right in the thick of puberty with our oldest which means ya’ll need to pray for us. Ha! #notevenjoking
JJ didn’t make any crazy faces this year. It was truly a Christmas miracle. I’m not above bribing my kids with candy.
I’m truly at home with these 3 monkeys.
I’m thankful for my guy. Doing life with him and raising our kids is the biggest blessing.
We had to take one standing just so I could remember how much the kids grew in one year. Jules grew 5 inches this past year and now wears my shirts and shoes. It’s crazy because I have big feet!
I know that as much joy can be found in this season, it can also be overwhelming, stressful and painful for many. I pray that the hope of Jesus would fill your hearts during this time and that you experience his peace in your heart in whatever circumstance you find yourself in.
Thank you so much friends for being here and for all your support this past year. I’m truly grateful. I’ll be taking a little blogging break to spend time with family and will be back in the new year.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Such wonderful photos! Merry Christmas and joyous holiday greetings!
Thank you so much, Barbi! Happy New Year!
What a beautiful family!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much, Lois! Happy 2019!
Love you guys! Merry Christmas!
Love you too, Adrienne!! Happy 2019!