Cancer is such an awful word and an even more awful disease but cancer can’t steal your joy, hope nor your identity in the one who formed you.
Hi friends, did you to get to experience the solar eclipse yesterday? Did any of you travel to the zone of totality?! Was that not the coolest thing ever? Emmy and I got to experience it with some of the wonderful grandmas and grandpas on our block. She kept calling it a silver eclipse and that name was pretty much on point. I was in awe at God at work. Sometimes, he shows off in such a spectacular way and reminds us that He truly does hold all things in his hands and that nothing is out of his control.
Today, I wanted to share one of my close girlfriends, Sunny with you. Sunny is my beautiful soul sister. She is incredibly talented with design and her home could literally be in Country Living Magazine. She shares my love for interior design and was one of the reasons we clicked and bonded instantly. She also loves to eat just like me and is an amazing cook, singer and Continental card player. Ha!! She also has the best sense of humor and there’s always an abundance of laughter when she’s around. Jay and Tyler are blessed to call her wife and mom. See, now you want to be best friends with her right?

Sunny was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I mentioned it in my back to school post because she had just been given this news right before school started. Chances are, cancer has hit close to home for you as well. For me it was my dad a few years ago and some friends and many parents of close friends.
If you know Sunny, you know that her family has endured much tragedy because over 5 years ago, her oldest brother passed away from leukemia. Cancer has already caused a great deal of pain and loss for her family so the news that she had breast cancer was that much more frightening and heart breaking. Sunny originally felt a lump in her breast and thought it was strange so she immediately made an appointment to the women’s doctor. The Obgyn saw her and didn’t think it was cancer but still scheduled a mammogram to be on the safe side. Thank God she did because after the mammogram, a biopsy was scheduled. When she first received the news of the biopsy results confirming it was cancer, she didn’t know any more information beyond that. Her husband, Jay and family were left thinking about this terrible news and the uncertainty of it all for the next day until her doctor gave her more information. Through the shock, we cried, prayed and laughed together as her friends. It’s weird to think you can laugh during such serious and solemn times like that but I believe laughter is God’s grace to us when we are so burdened and heavy hearted.
On September 5th, Sunny will undergo a double mastectomy and we’re praying that the cancer will be completely removed. It will still be a long process as she undergoes the actual surgery, reconstructive surgery and everything else that comes along with these procedures. Naturally, there are physical difficulties but also the emotional and psychological hardships that cancer seems to always encompass.
Sunny’s husband, Jay and their son, Tyler are like family to us. Ever since they moved into our neighborhood, we became an extension of each other’s family and we’re so thankful for that. I’m also thankful to see how much the Lord has been so steadfast and faithful to Sunny and Jay. Through this hardship, I have witnessed them growing and leaning on Jesus more than ever. He has supplied them with every need and more and continues to sustain them.
They are small business owners and even though they have insurance, the cost of all the procedures and medical costs as you can imagine are exorbitant. That’s why as her friends, we wanted to start a Gofund me account to help alleviate a percentage of their medical costs. It’s hard enough dealing with the fact that you have cancer and throw in financial stress and it can be all too overwhelming. It’s been so encouraging to see everyone rally around our friends and really highlights the gift of community. I know they are so thankful and are overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness and generosity. More than anything, I know they covet your prayers. Sunny and Jay are relatively very private people but this circumstance has really convicted them to open up and share their struggle in a more public manner. Sunny feels a burden to tell everyone to please get your regular check ups done and if you feel something out of the ordinary, make sure to get it seen by a professional. I haven’t gone to the doctor in a looong time so this made me schedule all of my routine check ups for the next two weeks.
Lastly, here’s a facebook message Jay posted covering prayer requests as well as an update.
Thanks for your prayers, generous gifts, and thoughtful messages. We don’t deserve all these, yet we wanted to thank you for your love and generosity. Sunny and I talked about how we didn’t do enough in the past when our friends/family were down from tough events in their life. You’ve shown us great examples of what we can do to lift others up, when they’re down. God truly works in mysterious ways.
Sunny’s surgery is currently set for first week of Sept. She will go through bilateral Mastectomy. Then, following recovery, she’ll go through a reconstructive surgery in three months. We’re still trying to wrap our heads around all of this. So far, this has been a life altering experience, to say the least. Our priorities are changing, lifestyle and short-term/long-term goals will likely change. Our outlook on life, in general, will see adjustments going forward. Through all of this, we’re growing closer to God and to each other. Amen!
Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that we can make it through next few weeks. Sunny and I both are dealing with exhaustion. We need to learn to pace ourselves, to relax and let God be in control.
2. We’ve consulted with the surgeons last week on the procedures and the realities have sunk in. Please pray for the sugrery in Sep and Sunny’s fast/healthy recovery.
3. Please pray for Kevin, my brother in law. Sunny and Kevin are sibling/best friends, like peas and carrots, a comedic duo…they have a special bond 😊. They kind of mirror each other. They brighten any room whenever they’re together and are a joy to be around! Sunny and I realized that he’s the only one of the three siblings that has had both of his siblings go through cancer. That’s so rare, and it must be so hard for him. He’s been an unbelievable support for us and we wanted to pray for Kevin to be strong and to know that his 동생 (younger sister) will be ok. We’ve also asked him to get tested/blood work done, and to adjust his lifestyle – to a less stressful one. Easier said than done.
Every Sunday at church as Sunny and I stand next to each other during worship, there is a mini revival going on in our hearts. Often in trials, the Lord draws us closer to him and I see that more than ever in Jay and Sunny. He is truly close to the broken hearted and he continues to be a rock for our dear brother and sister. Thank you for your prayers and as always, thanks for reading, friends.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Man…. Yuni , God has gifted you with beautiful expression through your writing. I wanted to full on do the ugly cry ( that you have witnessed) but since I was on my lunch break at work, decided it best to keep it in. How blessed are we all to be each other’s extension of family. We got each other’s back!!!!
oh ma gosh, you trying to make me ugly cry?! love ya, girlfriend. so very thankful for our hood.
I love this post Yuni. What a wonderful friend you are! ❤️
thanks, Ade. what a wonderful neighbor you are! 😉