Summer break is over and we are already back to school.
Well, June and July disappeared as quickly as it started and now it’s back to school time! This summer break was a good one full of swimming, beach time, camps, working and hanging out with friends. My kids just went back to school and this year it’s a whole new season for our family.

Here are a few highlights from Summer. I loooove this season because I can’t get enough of the sunshine. Jimmy calls me a human lizard because I love sitting out in the heat. Haha, it’s true!

The gulf coast water is our favorite!
It looked like this one moment.
And then it would be like this the next. God loves to show off doesn’t he?

On vacation, we really treat ourselves. Btw, Jimmy has done an awesome job maintaining his 30 lb weight loss! We still try to eat paleo during the week and we treat ourselves on the weekends. I will say that eating healthy really makes us feel at our best.

The highlight aside from the beach for the Min kids is the all you can eat breakfast in the hotel. Every time we travel, we try our best to find a place with a good breakfast buffet. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure they love it more than the beach. They basically eat waffles with tiny M&Ms, sugary cereal, juice and pastries. My healthy food rules go out the window on vacation. When on vacation…

This season is bittersweet. Mostly because this little one started school full time. Do you die? Because I did just a little inside. Motherhood is such a juxtaposition of emotions. They drive you crazy when they’re babies and toddlers and you want them to go to school but then it happens and you’re actually really sad about it. I may have cried a few tears leading up to school and especially that morning when I waved good-bye to Emmy on the bus. Thankfully, she has the best bus driver we could ask for so I was at ease.
Emmy actually got the same Kindergarten teacher that Jules and JJ had! I’ve had the privilege of getting to know the two teachers well and love them dearly. It’s crazy because I was a room mom during Jules’ Kindergarten year and was pregnant with Emmy. It’s surreal to see how things come full circle and now she’s in the same class.
My oldest started middle school too so that also didn’t help with the emotions. JJ started 3rd grade but still loves bugs and creatures of all kinds. Some things never change.
I miss their chubby baby days but am happy to get out of that stage of meltdowns and poopy diapers. You long to keep them small and close but are full of joy because they are learning to become more and more independent.

So this new season is a start for me to enter into working full time. I’ve been working part time for the past couple of years but now, I actually have more flexibility during the day. I’m gaining more design and staging work which has been a huge blessing. Blogging also keeps me busy and I have some great content and big brand collaborations coming up very soon. The kids will always remain a priority so I stop working once they get home from school until they are in bed for the night.

The other week as Jimmy and I were winding down and catching up, we reminisced about the old days and just how quickly time went by. It hit me hard. This new season brings forth much joy, sadness, excitement and lots of changes.

Thanks for reading, friends! I’ll be back soon with some decorating tips, new recipes, a bridal shower post and some fun DIY projects.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Beautiful pictures, beautiful family. Love your narration. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I to, can’t believe it’s time for, “back to school”. Our son, tenth grader, starts tomorrow. A better/sweet moment.
Oh my goodness!! Congrats, Ivory. I know it’s such a joyful/sad phase every time. Good luck to your son and you!
TFS. These photos make me smile.
Glad you enjoyed them, June. Thank you!