Our kitchen area gets the most traffic on a daily basis. Since the garage is next to the kitchen, we constantly go in and out through this door. The floor next to our garage door used to be a dumping ground for jackets, purses, bookbags and winter accessories. It didn’t take long before it drove me crazy and we needed to figure out a solution to this disarray. Since there wasn’t a closet nearby, we decided to utilize the small blank wall as a makeshift mud area for all these necessities.
I love the look of those pre-built mudroom cabinets and shelves but it takes up a good amount of space and we didn’t want to move the light switches. Instead, we used what we already had which was a black floating shelf and black chest. Originally, Jimmy screwed some hooks (from Home Depot) onto the wall shown below.
It worked well until one of the hooks came out of the dry wall because one of the kids held onto it while trying to get their coat. We realized we needed to adjust it by screwing a piece of floor molding onto the wall (measured and cut at the hardware store). Jimmy screwed the hooks on the molding after drilling them on the wall. We also decided we needed more hooks because the kids had a hard time reaching and putting their bookbags and coats away.
Jimmy measured and drilled four hooks on the top molding.
He put another piece of molding with octopus hooks. (that’s what i call them because look at them!)
During the warmer months, I put two baskets on the floating shelf to hold hats, sunglasses, sunscreen and other summer items. During the colder months, I decided to put the kids’ personalized bags to hold bulky winter accessories like hats, mittens, extra socks and scarves. Jimmy and I also store some of our winter items in their bags as well. The white wreath up there is a super easy DIY made out of coffee filters.
The hooks are a lot more sturdy and the kids can easily reach the hooks. We store extra diapers, wipes and extra legos and kid crafts in the black chest.
Putting the shelf, hooks and chest have really helped organize daily outerwear, accessories and school essentials.
I’ve also linked up a few more ideas below of different mudrooms/areas.

I love the rustic look of using an old door to place hooks and a small shelf. This was built right next to the front door.

This area is most similar to the one we use in our home by using some trim or piece of wood and adding the hooks onto them.

If you have a nook and want a custom built in look, this is a great use of space.

You can also take the doors off the closet and transform it into a mini mudroom.
Since every home is different, you have to decide what works best for your family. The original plan we had didn’t work out because the kids couldn’t reach the hooks and then little Emmy joined our family so we had to adjust it accordingly. I’m thankful for that little space next to our garage because it’s one of the most used areas in our home.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

You are so darned clever Yuni. Love your ideas! I laughed out loud at the end!
haha! glad i gave you a good laugh 😀
Love this idea! You got really creative with what you had on hand and the space you had! Again well done!
thanks so much, maria! really appreciate that!
Really good idea helps
I’m so glad! Thanks for reading, Sharon!
What a great solution for your family. I always call them octopus hooks too – I mean, how can you not?
We have a wonderful, large, spacious foyer which just makes the perfect mudroom. Alas, it’s at the back door – the door we just never use, except to go into the back yard. Our front door opens into the front room; there’s no closet or anything like that. But I knew I had a much better chance of getting the kids to hang up their bags if they could be hung up right there, so I screwed in some hooks by the door. It still takes some reminding! But it’s much easier for them than having to walk all the way through the house to hang up or retrieve their bags.