A simple lego party with a lego cake was the perfect way to celebrate JJ turning 5.
Last fall, we celebrated JJ’s birthday with a lego themed party. My kids absolutely love legos and I love that they spend so much time building their own creations every single day. The only thing I don’t like about them is finding them everywhere and gashing my feet every time I step on them. Lego, can you please do something about that?
Anyways back to the party, I didn’t take pictures of any steps because I didn’t have this sweet lil blog at the time but I can share some simple ideas to having a laid back, Lego party. I opted to have it at home because I love hosting these things and honestly, my kids don’t really care what they do as long as they have friends and cake. My opinion is to do what’s least stressful so whether it’s at home or a bounce house, you do you!
For the cake, I baked a simple box cake in a rectangle dish and 6 cupcakes (I used 2 boxes). After the cake completely cooled, I layered on some frosting on top and all around the rectangle cake. I placed it on this blue dish so that the frosting would have a nice contrast. I just used some yellow gel food coloring to make it electric yellow. After I iced it, I placed 6 cupcakes upside down on the top to make it appear like the bumps on the lego. Make sure you frost generously since the cupcake isn’t completely cylinder shaped. Honestly, it’s not the best looking cake I’ve made, but it looks like a lego and JJ was more than happy with it. Jimmy took some lego people and stuck some cake pop sticks under their feet to prop them on the cake. #easypeasy!
For the party favors, I bought these plain white boxes from Michaels and Jimmy created a printable lego sheet of paper so that it would resemble a lego box. We printed them out and glued them onto each box. The kids colored and decorated their own boxes. We sent each kid home with a bag of legos inside the box.
I created a sign on one of the lego mats. I originally wanted this to hang on the front door but it was too heavy and kept falling down. I decided to just leave it in the kitchen since I had minimal decor up.
We kept it really simple with lego and craft stations and simple food like pizza, crackers, fruit and drinks.
From the picture below, you can barely see the poster board behind me on the left wall. Jimmy used his artistic skills to draw a ninjago on the poster and cut out different weapons so the kids could play “pin the weapon on the ninjago.” I wish I had taken a picture of it because he drew it perfectly.
At the end, the kids just watched a lego show on Netflix. Look how comfortable we all are especially JJ’s friend on the floor. 😀
These two have been friends since they were born a week from each other. I love how JJ is stepping on Kenzie’s foot. #truegentlemanstyle
It was a totally chillaxing party! Man, after looking at these pictures, I can’t wait for warmer weather again!
Hope this gave you some simple ideas if you’re planning on having a lego party for your little one. I think it’s a great idea for girls too because my daughter equally loves them just as much as her brother.
Have a great day!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

i love the lego theme! =) miss ya’ll!
miss you too, angela!!