Create your own simple DIY floral monogram with a few supplies.
Back in October, I finished my second One Room Challenge and transformed my little Emmy’s nursery into a big girl’s room. One of the DIY projects I completed in there was this floral monogram. It cost me nothing because I already had all of the materials on hand.
It gives Emmy’s room a nice pop of added color. I love how monograms personalize an item or space. Do you want to make your own? It’s easy! This is also perfect in time for Valentine’s Day if you want to make something similar using a heart instead of a letter.
Grab your supplies:
- silk flowers
- box
- box cutter
- hot glue gun
- optional: ribbon
I had some of these leftover faux flowers that I decided were perfect for this project.
See, those Costco boxes do come in handy!
- Trace the letter on the box. I did mine by freehand but you can print a letter out if you want to be more precise and just trace it.
2. Using a box cutter, carefully cut the letter out.
3. Pluck all the flower heads off the stems and start glueing one flower head at a time on the cardboard. I started in the middle and worked my way out.
I made the mistake of glueing my ribbon too early. I recommend doing it at the end because it can tilt heavily on one side.
After you’re done glueing all the flowers on, hang it up! You can use a ribbon or do what I did and use command velcro strips on the back of the cardboard. I decided to add a border frame around the letter and then hung that using some gray ribbon. I tacked the ribbon behind the framed wallpaper.
Simple enough right?!?
Go make your own and be sure to pin this for future reference.
Thanks for reading, sweet friends!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

This is so adorable! I love that the project is so doable with amazing results! You’re so clever!!!!
Thank you so much, Janine!! It really was a simple project and we love it in the room!