See how you can join The Home Depot Foundation and find ways to serve our veterans.
Last month, Jimmy and I had the chance to go take part of a volunteer event led by The Home Depot Foundation. We went to the west side of Atlanta and worked on one of ten houses along a street. We gardened, mulched, built, painted and helped increase the curb appeal for these homes. The home we worked on was owned by a Veteran family and they were so thankful.
I always love these service project events that The Home Depot Foundation organizes and I’m so proud to work alongside a brand that cares deeply for our veterans. I hope you’ll go visit The Home Depot blog to read my post on our whole experience. You can also find ways to get involved too!
Here we are with sweet Mr and Ms J. I am so thankful for people like them who have sacrificed and given so much to our country. A big thanks goes out to The Home Depot Foundation for this awesome opportunity.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14