Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great week. We just got back from a family vacation the other day with some close friends. We had a blast but a vacation with kids is well… not really a vacation. Ha! Who needs sleep anyways right? #idoactually
Back in the day, we used to have a lovely glass and iron coffee table. But then you know what happened? Kids happened. That table was super heavy and it just wasn’t very practical with kids. It got smudges all the time and the frame was too dangerous with the little ones around. We ended up giving it back to my parents and we lived without a coffee table for years. I really wanted to wait until I found the right one for our home.
Jimmy was planning on building a rustic coffee table with a friend but he never got around to it due to the lack of time. For years, I checked Homegoods or the Pottery Barn outlet every time I shopped there. I just never saw anything I loved. Every now and then, I checked Craigslist to see if there was something I liked. I figured it was worth a shot to check since I love restoring furniture.
Well, a couple of of weeks ago, I checked again and saw a coffee table listed for $10!!! It was solid wood and it was midcentury style. On the way to pick it up, Jimmy asked me, “Are you sure it isn’t a for a doll house? Why is it so cheap?” We were a bit skeptical but I figured the loss was minimal if it ended up being a problem. We drove to Costco to meet the guy. Well, good thing it was an actual coffee table! Plus, we loved it! I’m not sure why they listed it so cheap considering they could’ve sold it for a lot more. When we asked, the guy stated that they were having another baby and needed to get rid of it. It was passed down to them from another family member. Whatever the reason, lucky us!! Woohoo! Jimmy and I high-fived each other like giddy school kids and did our Costco shopping because we’re efficient like that.
Well here she is! It is the perfect size for our family room because this room isn’t that large. The height, size, and, design work well for this space. Jimmy and I love it. The best part is that it goes well with our midcentury credenza that we use for our entertainment center. I realize there’s a box of diaper wipes in the background. #keepinitreal
I love how it brings a little vintage vibe to our space. #happydance
I know some people think white couches and kids don’t mix but I looooove these Ikea couches. We also have gray slip covers for them so we switch them up from time to time. When they get dirty, I just stick the covers into the laundry with a little bleach and they are good to go. I actually don’t mind the dirt at all either because our house constantly has smudges and crumbs in all sorts of places. That’s just the season of life we are in and I embrace it. I realize just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice my love for design and decorating. I love how much they brighten up the space. It’s not for everyone but it has worked well for us and we have kids here all the time especially with friends and cousins nearby.
It only took us 5 years to get a coffee table. It was worth the wait for this $10 beauty! I still can’t believe it. We’re so excited to have a place to put our drinks and snacks. It’s been great propping our feet up there! Even Emmy exclaimed, “Mom, I like the new table!” #whendidshestarttalkingsentences
I couldn’t wait to style it! Remember my white DIY tray?
One of these days, I will find a rug for the space. I’ve been looking for one for years but just haven’t decided yet. It’ll probably take me another 5 years 😀
I’m no interior design expert but I’m a firm believer that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to create a beautiful home. I believe it’s worth spending more on certain items like mattresses, appliances, and certain pieces of furniture but it’s worth looking at Craigslist or antique stores when searching for a really unique and special piece.
I’ve been receiving questions from friends asking how they should decorate their homes. My motto is be unique and let your house reflect your style and personality. Take your time. Don’t buy a bunch of stuff and put it everywhere. It takes time to create a well curated home. Don’t be like everyone else. There’s probably not a lot of people my age who would ever buy that blue, plaid, grandma looking couch but I love it! It was the first set of couches Jimmy and I bought together when we first got married.
Put up the things that you love. You’re not decorating it for others.
Create a home where your family will thrive. You don’t want to live in a museum where everything is perfect. Then, no one will be comfortable there including your poor family.
And just in case you thought my house looked perfect all the time, I leave you with this!
Well, looks like I better call the maid to come clean up today. Oh wait, that’s me. Doh!!!
Happy Hump Day!
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1