We addressed some water damage and got a shower upgrade for our master bathroom.
As you know, I’m currently going through a master bathroom renovation. What started off with just a shower replacement has turned into a full bathroom renovation. The first thing we did in the new year was find a company to help us install our master bathroom shower upgrade.
This post is sponsored by Bath Express by QC but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Last summer, we discovered we had annoying water issues in our shower. Jimmy spotted some soft spots on our molding next to the shower door and when he removed it, he could see that the water was making the wood soft. There was moisture coming from somewhere but we couldn’t detect the location nor the extent of the damage. Since the shower was on the second floor, we didn’t want to have an issue where it would eventually get to the subfloor.
We started looking for a contractor and had some come out and give us quotes. Some didn’t even show up. Why is it so hard to find a reliable contractor?
The crazy thing was that we would get quotes anywhere from $6000 to over $11,000. A lot of times, they would just give us an estimate but we had no idea what it was supposed to cost and where they were getting these numbers. Some said we needed to buy our own tiles and provide the materials. Others said they would take care of it all.
When the new year hit, we finally hunkered down and reached out to a few companies so that we could get started. One of these companies was Bath Express by QC. I immediately had a good impression upon the initial meeting. I also purposely didn’t write this post until after our shower renovation was complete because I wanted to ensure that I wrote an honest review for my readers. If the experience and quality of the work was subpar, there was no way I was going to write a good review of this company.
For the sake of full transparency, I will also share that our shower renovation cost almost $11,000. The inevitable joys and challenges of home ownership is that we will be faced with necessary repairs along with regular maintenance. We were given a percentage off to partner with Bath Express on this project to write about our experience. Again, if my experience wasn’t up to high standards, I would still write my full review and experience.
Depending on the type of work you’re getting done, the costs will fluctuate due to the type of material, size of the project and issues that need to be addressed. Bathroom and kitchen renovations tend to cost a lot of money. They are usually the most expensive of any type of home renovation.
Referrals hold a lot of weight. We do this for schools, piano teachers, cars, etc. When we have a good experience with a person, service or company, we love sharing that experience or product with our friends. Finding a contractor is the same thing. I think because the good ones are so difficult to find, it’s even more valuable when we do discover them.
For our shower, we had to demo and remove the shower pan. Once the water damage was addressed and the crew figured out the problem, they were able to repair the shower. We also bought new frameless shower doors. We removed the bench and was able to bring the shower out a few inches making it larger. I’ll share another post with the final results in the future but we love it.
Instead of tiles, we also chose Easy Care acrylic. Jim shared all the choices of colors and we went with an off white color. He shared all the advantages of going with this product and not only is it durable, it comes in a variety of different finishes and colors. It’s made to look like one piece of stone. We chose it mostly for the maintenance because there isn’t any. It’s the easiest upkeep and made to last longer than most other materials. The designer in me loves tiles so much but honestly, I never clean the shower. Jimmy usually is good about that so in the end, I’m just trying to make his life easier. Marriage is about compromise and I gotta give him something for making him help me with this crazy huge bathroom renovation. Ha!
Honestly, the acrylic looks pretty darn good too. Now that we are laying down beautiful tiles on our floor, I’m happy with how everything will look together. The frameless shower doors are amazing and just seamlessly blends in creating a clean look.
Our sales person, Jim was very kind, patient and super professional. He also manages some of the projects and has a lot of knowledge with this type of work so we felt confident after committing to go with this family owned company.
After the whole bathroom is complete, I’ll be sharing the final results of our shower as well. It’s beautiful. We are so glad to finally be able to use our shower after almost 10 months! JJ will be glad to have his bathroom back too.

Thanks so much friends for reading and I hope you’ll continue to follow along with our master bathroom renovation!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14