See the progress going on for this week’s master bathroom renovation week 2.
Last week, I shared the Before photos of our master bathroom renovation with Jeffrey Court. I still can’t believe Jimmy and I are doing this OURSELVES. Here are some photos to share what we’ve done for this week’s master bathroom renovation week 2 as part of the Jeffrey Court blogger competition.
This post is sponsored by Jeffrey Court but all thoughts, design and crackled jank hands from demolition are my own.
We actually finished the demo this week and more than anything, it took time and lots of hard work. We obviously saved a bucket load of money by doing this ourselves even though it would’ve been sooo much easier to hire out. I feel so good about how much I have already learned throughout this process. I have a better understanding of the technical parts of removing tile and what needs to happen before you replace it with the new one.
Okay, this is probably boring to you but it has been so satisfying learning these details that will only aid me when doing more future projects within our home as well as for future clients.
You guys… I did all that! I hammered the tiles and then pulled up all the mortar boards underneath it. I could’ve used a heavy duty machine but we were trying to minimize the dust especially since it’s next to our bedroom and also my closet.
Nails were popping up everywhere and had to be removed as well.
Basically my view for a few days.
It was quite messy for a good week and cleaning it up was a whole other job. We brought bags and bags of broken up tile and mortar downstairs. One good thing about doing it ourselves is that we were careful about keeping the dust and dirt contained. We have one small window in the bathroom so we put up a box fan to suck out all the dust.
Could this shirt be more perfect?
After removing everything, we had to sand the floors down to the plywood. The white stuff is the thinset (adhesive) we had to remove to level the floors and get it prepped for new tiling. I used an angle grinder and boy was it a work out!
Getting there! The door to the right is my closet and I’m praying that there isn’t a ton of dust is in there right now as I haven’t gone in there for over a week.
We used our shop vac and attached it to the angle grinder so that most of the dust would end up in the vacuum. At one point when I was doing this, there was dust flying everywhere. Let’s just say that I discovered later that I had put the vacuum container back on the wrong side and therefore wasn’t sucking anything in. SHEESH!! Talk about a ditzy moment. Unfortunately, I have too many of those to count. 🙁
There won’t be any pretty pictures this week but I do want to share my design board that I came up with before starting the project. This is basically how I put my vision into a visual. I see the finished result in my mind and it’s just so exciting! I’m going with the Carrara Inkjet Tiles and they are seriously gorgeous.
Next week, I’ll share more progress photos as well as my plans for this space along with the items I’ve selected. I’ll be doing a bunch of DIY projects in here and I’m so excited to get things checked off the list one by one. This week, we plan on putting down the beautiful new tiles that Jeffrey Court sent us.
Thanks so much for reading! I truly appreciate the support. Voting starts next week! You can also go read everyone’s else updates over at Jeffrey Court.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14