Hi friends! It’s been a hot minute. I just got back from a fun weekend in NYC with my girlfriends and it was the first time I didn’t work while on vacation! Thanks to our kind husbands for sending us on a fun girls’ trip for Mother’s Day. Between the end of school events for my kids and staging work picking back up, it’s been a little crazy.
But today, I’m over at the Jeffrey Court blog where they interviewed me after winning the design challenge competition. It’s still a bit surreal to think we actually won and that reality has taken some time to settle in. Our bathroom is even better than we imagined and using it everyday is a dream. I stare at the tiles and remember all the sweat that was poured into each one. To say that we are proud of our work is an understatement. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that we actually did that!
I also wanted to thank each and every one of you for all the kind words of support. Blogging continues to bring the most amazing opportunities in my life and I’m so thankful for all of them. They have stretched me in more ways than possible and it is a platform that I do not take lightly. To make a career out of something you love and are passionate about is a dream come true. I truly thank God for these amazing opportunities and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I hope that if anything, this challenge inspired you to tackle something hard in your own life. It doesn’t have to be tile work or a crazy renovation project like ours. Maybe it’s organizing that dreaded closet or zhushing up a space with some funky wallpaper. Or it could be taking some steps into moving forward with a dream you’ve had for a while. Whatever it is, I hope that you realize that there is so much value in the process. I’m here cheering you on!
As always, thanks so much for reading! I have so much love for ya’ll! Here’s the link to my interview with Jeffrey Court. I also want to thank them for the opportunity for inviting me on this fun and exciting challenge.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14