Make this Easter Bunny Planter with your kids as a cute centerpiece this Spring.
Hi friends! I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a blog post so I apologize for the leave of absence. But did you know it’s the first day of Spring? I thought I’d share this cute project that Emmy and I did together in collaboration with The Home Depot Seasonal Kids Workshop. You’ll want to check out this cute Easter Bunny Planter that we made from an empty paint can.
We think it came out super cute and you can buy all the supplies from The Home Depot to make your own. Check out the blog post over at The Home Depot for instructions on how to make your very own Easter Bunny Planter!
I’ll be back soon with a recipe and a life update.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14