Over the weekend, I gave myself a DIY haircut!
I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. I decided to celebrate with a DIY haircut! Haha! With everything going on, I felt it was even more important to share our appreciation to our moms this year. After many weeks of only seeing my parents from a distance, we are finally spending time with them again. I know every state has its own guidelines and rules so I understand this looks different for each family.
The kids let us sleep in and brought us breakfast in bed.
Even Jimmy reaped the benefits! The kids made us coffee, tea, eggs, and crepes.
After being in quarantine for 2 months, I had no choice but to give myself a DIY haircut. When my hair gets to a certain length, I start growing dreadlocks underneath. I’m not kidding! Since I have fine hair, it tends to get tangled easily and I was getting tired of brushing through the birds’ nest.
I live in GA where salons and other types of non-essential businesses have started to reopen. Other than going grocery shopping every week, I’m still not 100% comfortable going out to get a hair cut. Thanks to my friends, Angela and MaryAnn for sending me youtube videos and telling me it wasn’t too hard of a task.
See how long it is!! If you are looking for some haircutting tutorials, I wanted to share a few with you. I have never thought that I would be sharing a DIY haircut on the blog but here we are.
The one I used was from a >girl who has a very similar length and hairstyle to mine. I watched this tutorial from Pick up Limes one night and it didn’t look difficult at all. I figured the worst that would happen was I’d have a terrible haircut for some time but it’s not like I had any place important to go. I was willing to take the chance! I also have long hair so I knew I could start with a trim and go from there. I decided to cut 2 inches and it actually wasn’t hard at all! I love my stylist so this isn’t to say that I will cut my hair from now on but it sure felt great to get rid of some inches.
My friend also sent me this video >by Erikamarie on cutting long layers in 11 minutes. The last video is one my readers sent me from >Brad Mondo who is a professional hair stylist. All of these videos have over a million views and they all share some great tips.
This is the look of, “omg I actually cut my hair and it actually looks decent!” I even curled my hair for the first time in over 2 months and it felt pretty nice! Next time, I think I’ll go even shorter!
Jules finally trusted me to give her a trim too. Thankfully, Jimmy cuts his and JJ’s hair so I don’t have to worry about them. And yes, JJ definitely needs a haircut.
It was a Mother’s Day to remember! I will never forget the day I was so desperate that I had to cut my own hair. Ha!
Thanks for reading and if you cut your hair, you better share pics with me!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14