Create a one of a kind DIY concrete marble lamp for your home.
Hi friends, it’s kinda crazy town right now as we are taking care of 5 kids in our household. We are providing respite care for a 10 month old baby and his 7 year old sister for the next 10 days. Please pray for us! I forgot how much work infants are but man, he is so cute! Anyways, I’m super pumped to share this fun DIY project with you all today. I had this idea to create a marble looking lamp using concrete and I’m really happy with how it turned out. I was a bit skeptical while working on the project but it came out better than I anticipated. I love anything gold and marble and wanted to showcase how concrete can go outside the realm of just industrial looking projects. I hope this inspires you to create your own one a kind DIY concrete marble lamp! Here’s how to turn this…
Into THIS!
Instead of posting full directions here on the blog, I’ve posted the whole video tutorial on my youtube channel.
Here are the supplies you will need along with a few tips. I spent about $34 for my supplies because I had everything on hand except for the lamp kit, shade and concrete mix.
- commercial grade, crack resistant Quikrete concrete. I’m sure you can use other types that Quikrete carries but I went with this one from Home Depot and the big bag was around $6. I could probably make at least 25 lamps with one bag!
- long spaghetti plastic container ( I had one that I never used in my pantry and it was the perfect size and shape)
- cooking spray (I sprayed the inside of my container but I’m not totally sure if this helps or not with removing the concrete after it’s fully cured)
- water, disposable bowl for mixing, painters stick
- white and gray acrylic paint. I used Folkart but there are other brands like Martha Stewart.
- gold metallic paint. I used Deco Art in bright metallic in champagne gold.
- Martha Stewart multi-surface marbling medium (I received this from a blogger event and it was my first time testing it out. I was very happy with it.)
- PVC pipe
- lamp kit
- lamp shade
- felt pads
I love how it looks in my guest room. If you make this, please share it with me! I’d love to see it.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
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