Merry Christmas, LYA friends!
I know the day is almost over but I wanted to still wish all of my LYA friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 2020 has been a hard year in so many ways and I’m clinging to the hope of Jesus. He truly is our hope in the midst of all the uncertainty we have faced.
I have been a little MIA on the blog the last few months because of a huge project that I just finished a few days prior to Christmas. An adult daycare facility reached out to me to decorate their 27,500 square foot facility. It was not only my first commercial project but it was my biggest design job yet! I only had 12 weeks to complete the whole project! I know… crazy!
I can’t wait to share all about that big project in the weeks to come because it was a massive undertaking for someone like me. Honestly, I kept wondering how I even got here when I have no formal training in design. I started this little blog here almost exactly 6 years ago and it has grown to a full-time business. I’m truly humbled when I think about it and I really have to give thanks to God for all of it. He knew exactly where I’d be today and there’s no one more shocked than me!
I continue to learn so much about design and decorating and I can only dream where 2021 will take Love Your Abode. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, sharing, liking, and encouraging me here on the blog as well as on my social media channels. Social media in itself can get really old quickly and I’m still learning to create healthy boundaries there while still using it as my personal and business platform.
All that to say, I can’t wait to continue sharing my projects, makeovers, and everything in between. I hope LYA continues to be a place of inspiration especially during this unprecedented time in our country and world.
Can I also share a few of my favorite family photos that we took recently with Craig Obrist? Every year, I don’t want to deal with the hassle of taking family photos, and then I’m grateful every time Craig sends them to us. The kids have grown so much this past year and I’m so thankful that I get to watch these precious humans grow up. We have spent more time together this past year which is a silver lining through all of this. I only have a few years left with my oldest daughter being at home and that really struck a chord with me recently.
Jimmy continues to be my biggest supporter and cheerleader. We will celebrate 18 years of marriage in February and I’m happy to report that we are as close as ever through 2020. He has been working from home so it’s been nice to see his face more often. His company is an essential business during the pandemic so he has been working tirelessly this past year.
I know that many of you have experienced your share of struggles in 2020 and my heart goes out to you. My parents shut down their business of +34 years as well. I miss my siblings and their kids terribly and getting to hug and be with our friends. But I also know that it will be that much sweeter when we can do those simple things again. Even though there has been many difficulties, I’m grateful for so many things and especially the hope of Christ that we can cling to in any circumstance.
Thanks for reading, friends. I will back soon with some fun updates, reveals, and more. Stay tuned….
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14