Eight months—can you believe it? That’s how long I’ve been in my new role at Friends of Refugees. This time has been filled with amazing memories, a ton of hard work, learning how to support a loved one through intense anxiety, and balancing the demands of being a working mom to kids who are rapidly growing and hitting their milestones. Reflecting on this past year, it feels like a true reflection of life—an unpredictable blend of highs, lows, and everything in between.

I still get asked all the time, “How’s the new job?” I often wonder how long I’ll keep calling it my “new” job, especially since stepping into the non-profit world was such a big change for me. Over the past year, I’ve learned much about how non-profits operate and I’m still learning something new weekly. But it has been a true blessing. I love my role, my incredible team, and the amazing people I get to work with. Each person is deeply passionate about serving our New American community, and the weight of our mission is felt in their hearts. Managing a team is still a new experience, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy it. We each bring something unique to the table, and the spirit of collaboration is something we cherish and celebrate every day.

The highlight of the year came in October when my team and I organized our annual Evening with Friends fundraiser dinner. I introduced some significant changes, like bringing in professional auctioneers, using an auction platform, and a few other exciting details. Plus, we hosted the event at a new venue at Intown Community Church, which turned out to be a huge success. The result? We raised over $85,000! It was such a joyful evening, celebrating our New American friends through their stories of courage, dance, and food.

Now, as we head into the final month of the year, we’re excited to see how much more we can raise before December ends. I’m so grateful to friends and social media followers who’ve reached out to ask how they can support our work. One great way to partner with us is by becoming a monthly donor and joining our Circle of Friends. Monthly support helps provide a stable foundation for us, allowing us to continue focusing on key areas like literacy, maternal health education, entrepreneurship, and community through gardening. Of course, one-time donations are always appreciated too!

If you’re considering a way to give this Giving Tuesday or looking to support an organization before 2024, would you consider partnering with Friends of Refugees? You have the opportunity to help a refugee build an abundant new life here in America and witness the incredible transformation that can happen in just one generation.

Now for some exciting news! If you follow me on social media, you might have seen that Jules just got accepted into UGA! We’re feeling equal parts relieved, proud, and beyond excited. She’s worked incredibly hard over the past 3.5 years, and the entire college process has been quite a journey.

The pressure on kids today to get into college is real, and I have so much empathy for them. It’s a good reminder to just be there for them, offering encouragement no matter the outcome. She’ll hear from a few more schools in the coming months, but it looks like UGA is where she’s leaning—and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

Over a year ago, Jimmy was laid off from his job, and it took him about three months to find another position. He stayed at that job for roughly seven months, but for the first time in his life, he struggled with anxiety. It was a combination of adjusting to a new field and managing an overwhelming and demanding workload. He had trouble sleeping and found himself battling anxiety attacks.

During that time, I was also transitioning into a new job, which demanded a lot of my own time and energy, plus my hour-long commute each way. I did my best to support him with prayer and encouragement, but it was hard to watch him face this new challenge that was so unfamiliar to both of us. Now that we’re past that season, I’m thankful and amazed at how God gave us the strength and grace to get through it.

A huge thank you to our community for keeping us grounded, bringing laughter, and helping us find joy week after week. And then there’s golf. It’s truly been a gift—giving us the chance to spend quality time together, get some physical activity, and enjoy the outdoors. Two of our kids have also picked up the sport and love it too.

Oh, and by the way, Jimmy is no longer in that job. He’s now back in supply chain, and he’s so much happier. Thankfully, the anxiety he experienced was tied to that particular job, but it did deepen our compassion for those struggling with mental health.
JJ is growing like a weed and just got his permit! Emmy is also growing up way too fast, and it’s hard to believe that our youngest baby is becoming a teenager. We snapped a few photos in our backyard with the stunning tree that bursts into beautiful shades of red and orange every Fall. Since last Christmas, I’ve decided to share our Christmas card photo online instead of mailing them out. It’s one of the things I’ve crossed off my to-do list, and honestly, I’m totally okay with it!
If you’re in the Atlanta area and want to visit me, please do! I love giving friends and visitors a tour of our organization and sharing all that’s happening in Clarkston. I promise you will leave feeling inspired!

I hope you have the most wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. As always, thanks for being here!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14