Check out this week’s Friday Favorite Five Edition 13!
Did you all have a good week? I have been busy doing some projects for our own home as well as a couple of client spaces. I can’t wait to share those when they are completed. Let’s get to this week’s Friday Favorite Five Edition 13!!
Favorite #1: Snow Day!
Last Sunday, we actually got snowed in here in Hotlanta! The kids were sooo excited and even though we received what looked like a measly 1/2 inch of snow, the kids were outside playing for hours. It doesn’t take much to excite these poor southern kids! The last time it snowed, Emmy was stuck inside because she had a terrible cold. You can imagine her glee when she saw this outside.
Favorite #2: Storage Bag Organizer
On that same snowy day, Jimmy and I worked on some projects. I was busy wallpapering our bedroom while he built a custom storage bag organizer. I saw this one on Amazon about a month ago and asked him to build one for me but with extra slots.
He got to work and look what he built! Isn’t it awesome?! And no, we are not selling them. He made enough compartments for me to store large 2 gallon zip lock bags and gloves. Asians love to use those plastic gloves when cooking and now it’s so much better looking and functional. If you want something similar, there are some options on Amazon and they are pretty cute.
Favorite #3: Worldle
Have you seen people post this on Facebook? It looked bizarre and of course, I had to check it out once I found out it was an online word game. I love scrabble, words with friends, boggle, etc, and knew this was going to be right up my alley. Basically, you play it online (not an app) and they chose one word a day. You have 6 chances to figure out the word and the colors give you hints if the letter you chose is included in that word. It reminds me of Wheel of Fortune when the winner plays the last game at the end of the show. Jimmy and I have been playing it daily and he continues to beat me!! He has never beat me at any word game until now. We have a tally going to see who’s winning and he’s clearly annihilating me. 🙁 Jules just starting playing yesterday and it’s been a fun little family activity to see who won that day.
Favorite #4: Roasted Garlic Onion Jam
I know. It sounds unappetizing, doesn’t it? I don’t remember who gave this to me as a gift but it’s literally the most amazing spread. I couldn’t figure out how to eat it and every time I added it to our charcuterie board, no one touched it. I decided to make a spread and put it on some bread and holy moly, it’s freaking delicious!
Stonewall kitchen is usually sold at stores like Whole Foods and Fresh Market but thankfully, they also sell it on Amazon! We finished our jar and I need to order another one. I basically created a spread with the onion jam, fresh grated parmesan and shaved parmesan. You can also use any shredded cheese. Take a loaf of bread or baguette. Cut the bread into slices but not all the way so that it still stays intact. Smother some butter in between each slice and along the top of the bread. You really can’t go wrong with the butter here so just slather it on. If you need to provide an appetizer, everyone will love this.
Take a spoonful of that spread and place it in between each slice. Bake low at around 300 degrees until it gets crusty. You want to bake it at a lower temperature so the middle gets thoroughly heated.
Do you see that slice of bread? Omagah it’s literally the best thing. I can easily eat at least 4 pieces. It looks like Thanksgiving right? We cooked up a feast last weekend with some friends because Jimmy has really gotten into sous-vide steaks.
Favorite #5: Far and Wild
I love highlighting small businesses and this one is a brand called, Far and Wild. They sent me an essential oil bundle along with a diffuser for me test out. I have been using it every day for almost 2 weeks and I’ve been really happy with it. I have been an avid essential oil user for almost 15 years now. Most essential oils are built on multi-level marketing but this brand is direct to the consumer. The benefit of this is that the oils are more affordable. I was impressed to find the oils are 100% certified pure and natural along with them being ethically sourced.
They sent me the immunity kit since we all need more of that these days. I have multiple diffusers going on around the home and I love that they are healthier than using candles. You can use YUNI20 for a discount!
It makes our home smell so good while offering health benefits to our family.
Well, that’s a wrap for this week’s Friday Favorite Five!
Thanks for reading, friends!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
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