I’ve put together a Paleo FAQ to answer some questions from friends and LYA readers regarding this lifestyle.
Sorry but this photo from last year’s Halloween is going to be used every single time I update Jimmy’s weight loss progress. Isn’t the best? Jimmy just hit his second goal of 190 so he’s lost a total of almost 30 lbs. He went from a pants size 38 to 34. He’s 6’1″ and started at almost 220 lbs back in January. If you missed our first post on going paleo, here’s the link. I have to say out of all the room makeovers, I am most proud of this transformation! I’ve been getting lots of questions regarding our paleo-ish lifestyle so I thought I’d share a Paleo FAQ post to answer a bunch of questions. I’m going to preface this blog post by saying I am no paleo expert and that there are so many resources online if you’re wanting to find out more information. We just did what we thought would work for us as a family. Wanna see an AFTER? Of course you do. Scroll back up to the BEFORE and then down again. You know you have to! Can you even believe? He never did look good as a blonde.
Doesn’t it look like he’s modeling for Silk almond milk? Ha!
-Are you strict Paleo? Did you eliminate all carbs?
The main foods we eliminated were rice, conventional flour, simple sugars and dairy. We still eat carbs from quinoa (grains), oatmeal and all potatoes. We also eat maple syrup, agave syrup and coconut sugar. We’re not super strict with condiments that contain sugar so we will still eat things in moderation like ketchup, bbque sauce, jellies and certain dressings. Peanuts aren’t considered paleo but we eat a good amount of them. Jimmy used to drink beer a couple times a week in the evenings but has also cut that out and I think it’s even helped with his eczema.
We enjoy my blueberry waffles very much. I even used the same recipe to make chocolate chip pancakes last week and they were awesome!
-How did Jimmy lose weight so fast?
He didn’t!! It only seems like it because you see a few pictures of his progress and the drastic before and after photos but in reality, he started at the beginning of this year in January. By mid year, he only lost about 6-8 lbs and that’s when I recommended he go paleo. Before paleo, we still ate pretty healthy but we had a lot more freedom with desserts. Think 5 cartons of ice cream in our freezer.
-Did you lose weight too?
I lost a few lbs and went down about a pant size. I added weight training to my running regimen 3 months ago and I feel stronger and leaner. I’m not trying to lose any weight but did want to gain some muscle.
-What do you substitute for flour?
Almond flour and coconut flour are what I bake with and want to experiment with a couple more paleo friendly options in the future.
-What do I do if I can’t use nut flour?
This one is tough. You can use coconut flour but it really limits your baking. On the other hand, you can still enjoy all the meats, fruits and vegetables. There are so many paleo friendly recipes online so if you’re cooking and the food tastes bad, try a different recipe. We eat healthy but the food still tastes great.

-Do your kids eat paleo?
They eat everything we eat but I still make them pasta, rice and they eat bread.
-What do you do when you go out to eat?
At restaurants, we choose healthier options so that means we skip the bread, cheese, tortillas and fried foods. But if we’re invited to someone’s home, we eat what the host cooks. We don’t tell the host that we’re eating paleo because that’s just plain annoying! So from time to time, we are a bit more lenient especially when it comes to gatherings and parties.
-Have you noticed any benefits to eating Paleo?
YES! We feel so much better. For both of us, eliminating dairy has been the biggest and best improvement to our health. I no longer have as many gut issues like extreme bloating, diarrhea and gas. Jimmy and I love dairy but it has really been good for us because we are both very lactose intolerant. I thought I would miss ice cream but honestly, I don’t. It’s a miracle! I think it’s because I still bake a lot and get my sweets in this way. I can not live without dark chocolate so I bake paleo banana bread, brownies and recently made pumpkin chocolate chip bread.
-What are some tips you recommend to losing weight?
Again, I’m no fitness expert but I will just say that you have to think of it as a marathon and not a sprint. I have always been passionate about fitness and healthy living so working out has always been a part of my lifestyle. I just feel better and for me it’s about feeling good, strong and healthy. I believe it ties in with my spiritual and emotional health as well. People want a quick fix but that just isn’t real life. You need commitment, discipline and consistency for long term results.
Jimmy has been part of a work boot camp so he’s been doing that for years already with his co-workers. It helps when you have at least one friend who can work out with you or keep you accountable. My friend Jennifer, is a work out queen and she is the one that kicked my butt back into getting fit and healthy again. It took 3 years after my third child to get back into my pre pregnancy pants and I credit it to her! It’s so much better working out with a friend than alone. We keep each other accountable, laugh through our pain and get to spend time in prayer together as we run. Honestly, one of the best things is the relief I have from chronic back pain. When I’m exercising and my core is strong, I have way less back issues.
Lastly, love the body the good Lord gave you. We can pick at our bodies and compare them with models and even people around us. Let’s stop wasting time picking apart where we fall short or feel discontent and have joy with what we’ve been given. If you’re discouraged where you’re at with your health or body, it’s never too late to start. We all have to start somewhere. Lmk and I’ll be cheering you on too from the sidelines!! If you have health issues, be sure to ask advice from a medical professional before you start any major health regimen.

I’ll be sharing more healthy recipes so be on the look out! I’ve got bb-que chicken, energy bites and paleo banana bread coming to the blog soon.
Let’s get moving!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

He looks amazing! Go Jimmy!
Yeah! Thanks, Esther!
Wow what a transformation. I have been thinking of doing some paleo to kick start my diet, can’t seem to shake the weight. I did Whole30 for 26 days LOL and didn’t have much physical improvements but I know getting rid of a lot of processed carbs will help me a lot. Keep up the great work, thanks for the informative FAQ!
Oh man, I just watched my friend do whole 30 and it looked sooo hard! For us, paleo is much more doable and has been a major benefit to our family. Thank you so much for your kind words, Toni!
Wow, Congrats to you two!!! Jimmy looks amazing! My husband is kind of doing the same with his diet right now. I should jump on the bandwagon with him! I love Jimmy’s transformation and how you said you both are reaping the health benefits to a better diet!
Thank you so much, Janine! We are definitely reaping the benefits and it’s been great for the both of us.
Y’all so cute. For realz.
haha thanks, sweet friend!
Just awesome!! Congrats to Jimmy!! Such a wonderful achievement!!
Thank you so much, Sam!
Thanks for sharing, I had some of those questions myself
Your husband looks awesome and so do you!
That’s so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much, Sharon!
Thank you so much for this post. My hubby and I both need to get back into shape. You are so right, it’s never to late, so long as one is still fairly healthy and able to get into shape. I will, tonight talk to my husband about starting the year of getting healthier. If he refuses, I will, if its God’s will for me to do so.
Good luck to you and your husband, Ivory! It is hard work but definitely worth being and feeling healthy. Happy New Year to you!
I forgot, yes, your husband looks great.
Thank you!! I agree!!