School break is officially over and it’s time for an end of summer recap.
I can’t believe it! School is back in session. We had an amazing and very full summer and this mama is so ready to get back into routine and have structure back into the Min household. Here’s our little end of the summer recap.
We had my sister’s family in town for almost a month. Her family lives up in New York so the time we get to see each other is precious. We vacationed together at Hilton Head and made some really wonderful memories. We’re thinking this needs to become a yearly summer tradition.
We also had my little brother’s family in town for a few days and got to love on my sweet nephew and niece.
I attended my fourth Haven conference and shared a recap this past week.
Summer is busy with the kids so that means blogging takes a back seat. I did manage to write a post about organizing my make up drawer. That’s about all the organizing I could get done especially with a bunch of guests in our home.
We also hit our one year fostering mark.
I hope you had a wonderful summer. I have some fun things for the near future that I get to share on the blog soon. Stay tuned, friends!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14