Hi friends!
Can you believe my blog 2 years old this week!!?? Yeah, me neither! As a big thanks to all of my readers, I decided to do a little giveaway on my Instagram page.
I’m giving away one of my beautiful 22 inch boxwood wreaths! You know I’m a huge wreath girl and boxwoods are my favorite. This wreath retails for $77.50. It’s a really great size too. I love having these in my kitchen, family room, front door, foyer etc. Basically, it looks good everywhere.
Go enter today and a random winner will be selected on New Year’s Eve! I’ll make sure to ship it to the winner next week.
As always, thank you so much friends for reading and following along. If I could gift you each a wreath, I would!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14