Hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was filled with some rainy weather, house cleaning, time spent with friends, and volunteering in the community. My kids are out of school this week due to Fall break so I will be spending lots of time with them. My posts this week may be a bit more sporadic due to that reason.
I really wanted to share this deliciously, healthy recipe with you because it’s a staple in our household. Have you ever seen or eaten a kabocha squash? It looks like this.
They come in different sizes but this Asian squash is very hard and usually has a dull green colored skin. This squash is chock full of nutrients like beta carotene, iron and other vitamins. You can find this vegetable in most grocery stores. You’ve probably eaten it at a Japanese restaurant because they typically serve them as tempura. I believe it has a sweeter taste than all other squash.
When you cut into it, it has a beautiful orange flesh. Be careful because it’s super hard and you want to make sure you don’t cut yourself. My mom recommends cutting it into sections and microwaving it before chopping because it softens the squash. Remove all the seeds from inside.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Chop the squash. Leave the skin because you can eat it! You will get a good workout doing this! If the squash is large, I chop it up and save half it in a zip lock bag. They stay fresh for up to a week so you can have it for another meal another evening. Place the squash in a baking tray and generously drizzle olive or grapeseed oil all over them. Add salt and ground pepper. You can also add any other seasonings of your choice. Sometimes, I sprinkle a bunch of different seasonings on them depending on my mood.
Bake for about 20 minutes and then take out so you can flip them over. Bake for another 20-30 minutes and that’s it! The squash will have a crispy edge and soft, sweet center. They are delicious I tell you!
I love adding butter at the end. That’s optional but in my opinion, buttah makes it bettah. Serve alongside your favorite dish and you have something delicious and healthy. Next time you see that strange looking vegetable at the store, I hope you’ll try it out!
Have a great Monday,
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

This looks delicious. We love squash but have never had this type. On our health journey we are always on the hunt for different veggies to try…this hits the mark. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Vicki and Jennifer!! You will love this squash especially if you’re looking for healthy dishes. Thanks for commenting, my fellow GA bloggers!