Thanks so much for reading yesterday’s post. My prayer is that it encouraged those who are going through struggles and trials in this season. If you have any prayer requests, you can always email me at I would love to partner and intercede in prayer on your behalf.
Since the kids started school, the afternoons have gotten busier with homework, dinner, and after school activities. Have you stood around in the kitchen at like 4 or 5PM wondering what you were going to make for dinner that evening? Thinking of dinner can be stressful when it’s last minute and you are dealing with hungry, crazy kids. Wait, is that just me? Sometimes, it’s just easier to pick up a pizza isn’t it? Hey, I’ve been there. I know. I’m not above eating frozen meals either. Last night, we had frozen ravioli and eggplant parmesan all from Costco! It was really delicious! #thankyouJesusforcostco
One of the best ways to alleviate stress when it comes to dinner during the weeknights is to prepare beforehand. You can create a simple weekly menu on Saturday and make sure to have your grocery shopping done so that you already have all your ingredients for the week.
This particular pasta is great to make on the weekends or during the week if you have all your ingredients already prepped. One tip to save time during the week is to prepare all your vegetables by chopping them up on the weekend and storing them in the fridge. It will be ready when you need them during the week and cuts your dinner prep time by half. #gloryhallelujah
Check out God’s bounty! Fresh basil, zucchini, and tomatoes all from our garden! I’ve listed the ingredients below but feel free to add more or less vegetables and sausage to your pasta dish! There are no rules! I made this pasta dish up one day and it’s been in our rotation for a few years.
- 5 sliced Aidell’s pineapple bacon sausage
- 3 diced roma tomatoes
- 1 thinly sliced large onion
- 2 tbsp minced garlic
- 1 thinly sliced zucchini
- 1 cup frozen peas
- 1 cup frozen corn
- salt and ground pepper
- olive oil
- basil (optional)
- crushed red pepper (optional)
- grated parmesan
- 1 box of boiled pasta (make sure to add salt and oil when boiling)
In a large pan under medium high heat, generously pour your oil. When hot, add your minced garlic and sauté until slightly browned. Add your sausage, onions, zucchini and cook for a few minutes. Add in the peas, corn, and continue to sauté. I love adding sliced mushrooms but I didn’t have any that day. You can really put any vegetables you want including sliced green peppers, squash, etc.
Add in your drained pasta noodles (cooked!). Throw in some salt, ground pepper, and any other seasonings you want and mix all together under the heat for about 5 minutes. Taste the pasta to make sure it’s to your liking. Turn off heat and add your diced tomatoes and grated parmesan. I threw in some fresh basil for the adults when I plated the pasta.
It really is a beautiful dish with simple ingredients.
My kids love eating this dish and they actually eat most of their vegetables on the plate. I usually make a big batch of this pasta to pack for everyone’s lunches the next day. Try it and lmk what you think.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4