A simple board and batten wall treatment adds dimension to any space.
Our family just came back from spending 4 nights in the mountains of Gatlinburg and it was glorious. The WIFI was terrible but it was great for all of us. I was forced to unwind and relax which is always difficult to do when I’m at home. Now that we’re back, it’s time to get back to projects! Last week, I shared how we are giving JJ a room makeover. The board and batten wall is complete and it looks amazing.
Back to the grind! Wall treatments add so much dimension and visual interest to any space. Yes, you can wear a dress and DIY. Do what you want! If you missed last week’s post, I shared all the details for this board and batten wall treatment including the size boards.
Since then, I patched up all the holes with wood filler and then sanded them down.
I caulked the joints to create a seamless look and then I painted the boards the same color as the walls which was Alabaster by Sherwin Williams.
JJ was thrilled with the results and I captured his response on video. He said, “I’m going to do this to my child one day.” Haha!
Jimmy and I also had time to address the boob light situation. This became a huge topic over on my Instagram where my readers kept sending me their boob lights and it became a competition. We saw some crazy looking ones! We have replaced the majority of these lights in our home but still have a few left. Since JJ’s room tends to get warm, I wanted to install a fan instead of another light.
Lucky for Jimmy, he had to go up in the attic to replace the electrical box because the existing one wasn’t fit for a fan. Jimmy attached the fan rated junction box to a joist up in the attic. Fans can weigh up to 50 lbs and requires a sturdy mount. Oh he’s such a good man. If you need to do this, make sure you know what you’re doing! It may be a good idea to just hire an electrician if you’re unfamiliar with any electrical work.
It can only look worse before it gets better! DIY has forced us to learn all sorts of skills. Add this to the list! Since I don’t know the color of the ceiling, I bought a simple ceiling medallion from Home Depot. This allows you to cover up that weird ring which is difficult to remove even with paint. Plus, it adds a nice inexpensive detail to any light or fan.

Jimmy got the fan up!! It’s already looking so much better than that previous boob light!
I’m totally digging the wall treatment. This is the only other wall paneling we have done aside from our family room.
I was asked what we did with the baseboards since it has a curved detail at the top. Normally if the edges of the baseboards and the boards from the wall treatment don’t line up, you have to replace the baseboards all together. In this case, since I was keeping everything the same color, you can’t really see the edges as much.
If I choose to paint the walls another color in the future, I will go ahead and paint the baseboard too. I shared some tips on how to paint baseboards in this post.

We also put the new bed together from Home Depot. The cool plush gel mattress is also from Home Depot. Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong size box spring so I’m just waiting on that to arrive at the end of the week. Doesn’t it look so good against the board and batten wall?

JJ is so pumped!! The black bed looks so good against the white walls.

The fan is from Home Depot and I didn’t realize the blades had a mix of two different lengths. I actually think it looks pretty cool! Thanks to my awesome husband for installing this beauty. We also love that it uses an LED light. The design is super slick and I know JJ will use this so much when he turns into a sweaty teenager. Actually he’s already such a sweaty boy.
JJ’s room is on the smaller scale so I’m excited to share all the ways I’ll maximize the space for optimal storage. Time for my favorite part which is furnishing and decorating!
Thanks for reading, friends!!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
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Loving the progress!! We have small bedrooms too so I’m looking forward to your functional ideas!
Thank you so much!
Looks really nice!
Thank you so much!