Thank you so much for all the comments and love surrounding my last post on dry crusty feet. It made my heart so happy that it encouraged some of you. My hope is that you always leave here inspired and encouraged.
Once October hits, my kids start to ask when they can decorate for Halloween. A few weekends ago, I got out the Halloween bin and it sat in the hallway for a while. Then one Saturday when the piles of laundry and housework were waiting for me to tackle them, I decided those things could wait and we decorated out hearts out. I’m trying to say no to things that can wait and yes to my children on making memories and keeping traditions. It’s not easy for me! I love a clean home but honestly, I would be cleaning 24-7 and missing out on a ton of fun with my kids.
For Halloween every year, I let the kids really go to town on the decorating. That means tons of spiders. spider webs, rubber rats and pumpkins. To them, more is definitely better.
We even have these huge glow in the dark spiders on top of the pumpkins.
My advice is to buy Halloween decor when it’s on major clearance after the holiday. It’s super cheap and I just store them all in a bin and use them every year.
I recently repurposed an old mirror and turned it into that chalkboard.
Last year, I shared a simple DIY tutorial on how to make these spider webs with yarn and sticks from your yard. It’s a cheap and easy way to decorate for Halloween.
I don’t know. Don’t ask.
What a blessing to watch these monkeys love crafting and decorating as much as their mama! The moral of the story: Halloween decorating is better than laundry.
Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14