Love Your Abode Update :There are some new changes on the blog that include an updated look but the voice behind it will always remain the same.
I wanted to give you guys a Love Your Abode update and say that the blog is up and running! I’m so excited about the new look and brand spankin new logo. I think it’s fresher, brighter and just a bit more my aesthetic. Thanks to my amazing website/logo designer Sara at Moonsteam Designs. She was a joy to work with and super patient with me as she helped navigate the new site. I’m still cleaning it up, adding and fixing up some things here and there but I hope you’ll find it easy to navigate. Yes, there are new changes going on here but I promise the voice behind the blog will always remain the same. My passion is to always empower and challenge you to not just tackle a DIY project but to encourage you as you make your house a home.
I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend. We spent time with family and friends at the lake and got to ride our neighbor’s boat. It was a blast and the weather was perfect. Check out my skinny husband! He’s about to hit his second weight loss goal.
We also hit Home Depot because they had a kids workshop and they DIY-ed some wooden pencil boxes. Check your local Home Depot every first Saturday of the month for these workshops. Our kids love them. Plus, it gives me an excuse to roam the store afterwards and think of my next project which happens to be our laundry room! I will share a post all about that soon. Jimmy and I spent Labor Day painting and putting down some new flooring and it already looks 10x better. We are truly learning All The Things.
Emmy is happiest making messes.
For the first time ever, LYA was featured in a magazine! It’s the Country Sampler Christmas issue that will be on stands during the holidays. They sent me a copy last week and it was so fun to see a couple of my photos from last Christmas make an appearance in the magazine. I’m humbled because I saw a few of my other VERY seasoned blogger friends in this issue. Sometimes, I think, “I’m just a mama of 3 doing my crazy DIY shenanigans, what do I know?” God continues to show me to dream bigger and greater and stay focused on my lane. It’s easy to see what everyone else is doing and feeling like you’re not measuring up and I encourage you to stay focused on your lane and seek his vision for your life. I’ve been convicted of that and am trying to purposely focus ahead and not get distracted by what everyone else is doing. That’s another reason you’ll be seeing more videos. It is sooo out of my comfort zone but I had to give myself a pep talk and tell myself to get over myself. HA! Stay in my lane! That’s my current mantra.
I was so saddened last week with Hurricane Harvey hitting southern TX so hard. Of course in the end, these are homes that have been lost but gosh, it still doesn’t diminish the devastation that our friends there have experienced. I would be so thankful if my family was physically ok but losing a home is so much more than just the physical building. There are so many memories and experiences that are made in a home and losing your refuge is a traumatic experience. If you’re still on the fence of wanting to help but not sure how, here’s a great organization I found to provide some relief to families of little ones. 100% of funds go to provide diapers for children. Did you know that diapers are not normally provided by disaster relief agencies? You can click here to go donate to this awesome organization. Also, my husband and I always use United Way to donate to charitable organizations.
Today my sweet friend, Sunny is having her bilateral masectomy. We are so blown away by everyone’s support and Sunny and Jay are overwhelmed with gratitude. Last night as got together with a bunch of friends in the neighborhood to pray, it was so encouraging to see Sunny’s unwavering faith and confidence in God’s provision over everything. We are trusting it all to God’s hand. If you think of her today, please lift her up.
Thanks for reading, friends. I’m truly thankful for each and everyone of you who stop by and read. Thanks for all the love, comments and encouragement!
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14