Free 99 decorating is better than anything else 99 decorating.
Fall weather has arrived and it is wonderful. I love how this season welcomes us in slowly into the holidays with an abundance of changing leaves, mums, pumpkins and all things delicious. The creative part of my brain loves to move stuff around and change things up in the home. If you’re discontent with the current state of your home, try moving a few things around. Try looking at that mantle with new eyes and and shop your home to mix it up. For me, switching things around the home allows me to create with what I already own and it reminds me to have an attitude of gratitude. This season, I decided to do just that and added an untraditional touch of Fall to my family room. I ended up loving the result and further confirmed the fact that it doesn’t take much to transform just about any space in your home. So here’s my post on how you too can love your home more with some free 99 decorating tips.
Before I go on, I better preface this post by explaining free 99. Basically, it’s not $9.99 or $19.99 it’s completely free, hence free 99. Get it? Ok. Moving on.
Typically, I like to change up the mantle frequently. But ever since we did the family room makeover back in January, I haven’t touched the mantle. I loved the simplicity and I didn’t want to mess up a good thing. But then Fall happened. Something about this particular changing new season brought about a freshness and newness to our home.
I placed some of my blue and white vases and grouped them together on each side. Vintage brass candlesticks with some striped tapers joined the party too. Ok, I lied. I did spend a little money on those mini pumpkins from Publix but there’s only 3.
Don’t look too closely or you’ll see the dust. DOH!
Maybe you’re thinking… well, this is great but I ain’t got no lovely blue and white pieces. Good news is you don’t need to have them. Try grouping similar items together like simple vases and fill them with outdoor fall foliage. How about grouping candles together or even books. See what you have around the house and I bet you can find something. It forces you to get creative, resourceful and it’s free 99, people!!
I threw in some moody floral pillows onto the chairs because it’s my house and I can do what I want.
On the opposite side of the mantle is our bookcases. It has pretty much stayed the same and I’ll change small things out here and there.
Bookcases are so much fun to style because you can really go crazy with different shapes, colors and sizes of items.
Instead of owning a gazillion pillows, just switch out the covers.
I think I’ve shared before how my mom made me help move furniture around the house constantly when I was growing up. She would get sick of the placement and we’d have to move around sofas, rugs, dressers, lampstands, etc. You name it, it was moved next month. Thank God she didn’t make us move the piano. That was about the only thing she left alone. So really, I blame her for my FMS aka furniture moving syndrome. Fun times, mom. Fun times. Now the baton has passed and I shall torture my family the same.
All that to say that yes, I’ve totally become my mother and I ain’t mad about it.
So go try it out and force yourself to get creative without spending any money because remember, free 99 is better than anything else 99.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

I inherited that tendency from my mother also. She could sew too, so moving furniture and sewing new pillow covers or curtains were her passion. Looking back, I think she did teach me to be grateful for what I have and find ways to make old look new or interesting. Thank you for sharing- love the pillows!
That’s awesome! Thank you for sharing that with me and for your kind comment. It sounds like your mother is an amazing woman!
Took me a minute to figure out free 99…but once I did…brilliant! And I love working with what I have. Thanks for the inspiration.
Haha thank you so much, Lynn!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
So many fabulous tips here Yuni!!! Thank you for sharing them all!!
Thank you, Sam!