Sharing a much needed, “Life Lately” post.
Hey friends, I thought it was time to finally give some sort of life update as I have barely been blogging the last couple of months. I somehow managed to get through our bathroom makeover for the One Room Challenge and that was about the extent of what I could keep up with in the blogging department. Here’s a little rundown on what’s been been going on in the Min household.
We put on our Sunday best, attended worship service with our friends and spent the day with family. Gosh, my hubby is so handsome! My friend, Sunny picked this jumper out for me when we were at Altar’d State. It’s super comfy and I loved it but the only problem is when I had to go to the bathroom. Let’s just say I needed assistance. Why do they put the button so high up on the neck?! I obviously didn’t realize this until I wore it that Sunday.
These photos of my kids represent them so well.
My little brother and little sister both had daughters one day apart from each other. Isn’t that crazy?! I became an aunt twice in a matter of 24 hours. Both my SIL and sister were pregnant at the same time and it was so cute watching them progress through their pregnancies. Remember that baby shower I threw last minute? Well, it was for baby Teya and her sweet mama!

Sadly, both families live far away but thankfully I get to keep up with them via social media and facetime.
If you missed my One Room Challenge makeover, I transformed our main level bathroom into this. You can find the complete reveal post here. Yes, that’s painted tile! I have an amazing Instagram giveaway going on until Friday so be sure to go there and enter to win this same exact lighting. My friends over at Lighting Design Company have sent me 4 lights for our home and I love every single one of them.

I can’t believe it but our oldest child turned 10 years old. She is such a joy to have as a daughter and I’m so thankful to be her mama.

I have no idea where he gets it.
Recently, I started doing some part time projects with staging homes. It’s been so much fun exercising my decorating skills. Do you know what the best part is? I get to keep all the stuff!
If you need help with decorating or staging and live in or around Atlanta, send me an email at I’d love to help you!
We have also been going through some major transitions and changes within our family that involved some big decisions. It has been a season of being sensitive to God’s leading and having the courage and wisdom to follow it. To say that we have experienced being placed outside of our comfort zone is an understatement.
I may have mentioned in my one room challenge posts that we had guests in our home. We have had a number of guests staying with us since early March. I’m not at liberty to say who or why for privacy matters but I will say that it was unexpected. It has been emotionally, spiritually and physically taxing at times due to their special circumstances.

When we bought our house 5 years ago, I knew that God gave us the most perfect home in the perfect price. We knew he had big plans for it and since then, we have seen how he has used our home as a refuge and shelter for those in need. I won’t say it has been easy because Lord knows it has been difficult at times but he reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from him. When we let go of our earthly treasures, we experience the freedom of letting God use them for his purposes and that gives greater joy than we could have imagined.
A while ago, I shared about how the Lord was calling and directing our family towards Fostering. Jimmy and I attended the intensive 3 day training and then got stuck in the busyness of life. The training was thorough and opened our eyes to the fostering care epidemic around us. We learned about the reality of these children and the often traumatic backgrounds they come from.
Honestly, a few weeks ago, I started to get discouraged because things weren’t aligning how I thought they should be. While I was painting the bathtub tiles one day, I started to pour my heart to Jesus as this usually happens during my painting sessions. DIY is truly therapeutic, people. Go and try it!

To be honest, I’ve been struggling with the fact that things kept coming up and preventing us from moving forward in this process. As I processed and brought up these struggles, the Lord started to gently speak to my heart. He showed me how we are fostering but not in the conventional way we thought we’d be doing it. Remember how I told you there were guests in my house? Well, some of these guests are children. It isn’t coincidence they have also experienced quite a bit of trauma. He told me to love and care for these children like I do my own. That revelation in itself brought me so much freedom. Sometimes, we can be so blind and not see what is right before our very own eyes because it doesn’t fit or line up with how we think it should in our mind. Please pray for us!


The last two weeks have been especially busy with school ending this week and so many end of the year festivities.

The pool opened up last weekend so the kids enjoyed a whole day swimming and playing with friends. Summer break is about 2 months long so I know it’ll go by quickly. I’ll be enjoying my time with the kids and blogging will be slow around here. You can follow me on Instagram where I share more often and love to connect with my readers.
As always, thanks so much for following along. I’m truly thankful to have this space online where I get to not only share my DIY and decorating passion but bits of my life as well. If you ever have any questions regarding any projects or anything else, please do not hesitate to comment and I’ll try to respond as soon as I’m able.
Don’t forget to enter to win this light on my Instagram page. Good luck!
Oh yeah, I’m running my first half marathon with my friend, Jennifer this weekend. It’ll be a miracle if one of us doesn’t fall during the race. We’re so clumsy! #prayforus
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

Ah Yuni, you’re the sweetest thing. We always think we aren’t doing exactly the right thing or that we aren’t doing enough. Look at what you are doing for these people! Whatever their circumstance is, they are blessed to be in your loving home for the time. I’m sure that you can never know what you are doing for them in many small ways. Maybe this isn’t exactly what you had in mind but I bet it’s the right thing for now. ♥
Thanks so much for that, Stacey. I’m thankful for how the Lord speaks to us through our blindness. Thanks for your sweet words, friend!