Here are my go to favorite skin care products.
Before I start, let me preface this blog post saying I’m NO skin care expert and NOT a beauty blogger. What I am is a busy mama that is trying to do all the things while still trying to properly take care of my skin. After getting some requests on Instagram, I decided to just share a blog post sharing all of my favorite skin care products.
I’m a creature of habit and I’m also very lazy low maintenance when it comes to skin care routine. I don’t like spending a lot of time on this but realize that as I get older, my skin is not the same. I feel like I’ve seen this more as I’m about to turn 40 this year. Having Asian genes helps but I am seeing less elasticity in my skin, more wrinkles and drier skin. It comes with getting older and I’m accepting the fact that I’m not young anymore and am trying to age gracefully and owning my age. #itiswhatitis

Before I share my skin care routine, here are a few things that are important to having good skin in my opinion.
- Exercise: I do this 3-4 times a week consistently. Sweating makes a difference and helps my pores open up. This also releases stress and gives me a lot of energy.

- Drink water: I try to drink enough water every day and stay hydrated.
- Sleep: I need a solid 7 hours of sleep a night to function well. I try to get 8 but a minimum of 7 is what my mind and body likes. Obviously, this is different in each season of life because this was not happening when I had an infant or toddler. Some people consistently function with less sleep but I’ve concluded they’re robots. I also don’t drink coffee so I rely on a good night’s sleep to get me up and ready in the mornings.
- Avoid Stress: Okay, this one is not always in our control but I tend to break out when I have stress and when I’m hormonal (period or ovulating). I do however try not to overdo it with a crowded schedule and lessen stress in ways I can control it. Exercise is my biggest stress reliever along with fitting things into my schedule that are life giving.

- Healthy Eating: I don’t always eat healthy but I do notice a change in my skin when I’m eating more junky things. I try to eat healthy during the week and let loose on the weekends. I think it only makes sense that our skin reacts to what we put into our bodies.
Okay, I felt that was important to preface because doing these things can only help make your skin feel and look better.
Morning Routine:
In the mornings, I wash my face with just water. I then put a small amount of toner in my hands and slap pat it all over my face. I know people use cotton pads but I saw my mom do this so I’ve always done it that way. I think this is a Korean thing? I then put on my daily moisturizer by Atomy and finish with my everyday mineral sunscreen. I’ve been using Atomy products for years and I love the price, quality and it smells amazing. I’ve been buying these products through my mom’s friend but was happy to discover they are now sold on Amazon.
I always make sure to wear sunscreen no matter what the weather is like. This mineral sunscreen is everything. I love it and it almost acts as a nice primer under my makeup because it’s smooth and glides right on. It last a long time so the price is definitely worth it in my opinion. Nothing hurts your skin more than sun damage!
Night Routine:
I switch between these two routines to remove my make-up. Most nights, I use these make up remover wipes. I follow that with washing my face with a tiny bit of facial cleanser. Other nights, I will get my two full drops of jojoba oil and rub it all over my face to remove my make up and then use a hot wet wash cloth and gently wipe everything off my face with it.
After removing my make up, I apply this serum all over my face. I wait for it to dry and then apply my daily moisturizer. I then take one full drop of jojoba oil and apply it all over my face. If you don’t like a greasy feeling, this may not be for you. I love it and have been using this inexpensive oil for 2 years now and it has gotten rid of any dryness that I had on my face. If I remember, I’ll also put on my eye cream. This is such a great deal for eye cream as the container is larger than most eye creams out in the market and the quality is wonderful. Once in a while, I’ll use the eye cream for my face too because it’s richer than the moisturizer. Remember…#notabeautyblogger.

You can also buy the Atomy 6 step for a great deal. This is an amazing price for all of these items together. About once a week, I also use my clarisonic to remove any dead skin. This is a great way to exfoliate and I’ve been using it for years.
I wake up the next day with soft skin. I skip the oil in the summer as my skin doesn’t need the extra hydration. I also try to fit in a face mask when possible. I probably do this every other week and it also helps with hydration. Thanks to my SIL, Jaehee for introducing me to these great masks. A word of caution though. Do these masks after your kids are in bed because you will terrify them with your ghost face. Ha!
Okay, that’s it! I hope you found this post helpful. Even though getting older sometimes means more wrinkles, saggier skin and gray hairs, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. What a gift to grow older and get to spend more time with your loved ones here on earth.
Let all that you do be done in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

I love your perspective! Thanks for sharing your skincare routine! =)
You’re so welcome. Thanks so much, Sharon! I hope the info is useful.:)